Page 6 - FLAG Sanibel Symposium 2009 catalog FINAL.pdf
P. 6

From the Symposium's Chair Area VII Joan Furia Klutch, Vice President
Even if I knew what this
years symposium & exhibit was going
to entail, I would do it all over again.
The events that unfold with such a varied group of artists makes the process a challenge, but also provides the creative excitement that results in an outstanding exhibit.
I would like to thank Area VII, for there assistance and moral support, especially to Pam Brodersen & Roberta Schofield, our treasurer, who were there for me all summer long. Thank you Cheryl Fausel for taking on the new job of recording secretary.
To Cecily Hagen who is always there to lend a helping hand, you are truly appreciated. To Gail Jones, our party gal, thank you for hosting FLAG at your beautiful home for our after reception gala, We
love you!
I would also like to recognize our judge Dan Welden, who through the years has always been an inspiration, and creative force.
We are also grateful to our panel participants, Jack O'brien, Maureen Watson, Dan Welden, Peter Pilger and Robert York.
A special note of appreciation goes to our moderator, Chuck
Ketteman. Finally, to all at BIG ARTS who have been there through every step of the way to guide us, we thank you, a particular thanks goes to Natalie Cunningham, program coordinator.
I couldn'thavedoneitwithout yougalsandguys. Itoasttoyouall,Bravo!
 Area VII Members
Lee Ackert
Janice Balabon Pam Brodersen Peg Cullen
Janet Mach Dutton
Gail Jones
Joan Furia Klutch Mary S. Keough Ann Kittel
Pat Eng La Vigne Pat Meistrell Marilyn Neiderman
Sue Pink Christine Reichow Richard Rosen Kathy Ross Jo-Ann Sanborn Joan Sonnenberg Chirstine Wyatt

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