The Florida Artist Group (FLAG) is the longest continuous artist’s organization in the state’s history. Incorporated in 1949 as a non-profit organization for accomplished practicing artists, the group focuses on one show a year, moving to a different Florida city each year. Being an “historic” art group, it seems particularly appropriate to have the exhibition in such an historic city.
The members are juried into the group by consideration of a portfolio of current work combined with a resume demonstrating National or State recognition. The goal is to choose artists whose work will contribute significantly to the excellence of the exhibit, and to encourage these artists to continue honing their creative talents. The shows are judged for awards, always by an out of State juror of some National eminence.
The following regional artists are members of the FLAG Artist Group:
Sydney Mckenna (Area VI Chairman), Maribel Angel, S. Barre Barrett, Gretchen Ebersol, Heidi Edwards, Ronald Gibbons, Mary Lou Gibson, Susanna Richter-Helman, Jan Miller, Beau Redmond, Gene Roberds, Ginger (Virginia) Sheridan, James Stanford, Jean Troemel, and Ron Vellucci.
This year’s judge is Stephen Knudsen. Stephen Knudsen is a Professor of Painting at the Savannah College of Art and Design and exhibits work in art institutions in the United States and Europe. Knudsen is the senior editor and critic for ARTPULSE Magazine and is also a contributor to the Huffington Post, New York Arts Magazine, HyperAllergic, The SECAC Review Journal, Professional Artist magazine and many others. He is a co-developer of Image Comparison Aesthetics for the artstory.org and developer of Fourth Dimension Color Theory and the Dual Color Wheel used widely in universities.
The Florida Artist Group 64th Annual Exhibition opens at the St. Augustine Art Association (22 Marine Street) Friday, May 2nd at 5:00 p.m. (concurrent with the ” First Friday” Art walk) and will include an acoustic guitar/voice performance by Colton McKenna (www.coltonmckenna.com). The exhibit will contain a diverse collection of work by the talented, creative, and extremely active artists, painters, photographers, sculptors and mixed-media artists that make up this group. Don’t miss this opportunity to see some of the best art in the state.
In addition to this great artists’ event, Saint Augustine is celebrating its 450th birthday (officially September 8, 3015) as the oldest continually occupied European settlement in the United States. To view all of the exciting events happening in town leading up to this event, visit the website at www.staugustine-450.com.