Thanks to the eagle eyes of one of our team members, Christine Reichow: she found an article in the current edition of Florida Weekly. This article appears in the Bonita Springs (and probably Naples) issues, although it didn’t appear in the Ft. Myers edition. It appears in the Arts & Entertainment section of the newspaper.
The work of two Area VII artists — Cheryl Fausel and Richard Rosen — is featured along with the art of Area III’s Eleanor Merritt. We did send the news media abundant images so that they could have a wide selection. It’s always interesting to see what they’ll select. The article doesn’t identify the artists whose work is depicted. But for the most part, the paper stuck to the press release that we sent along. Many thanks to Muffy Clark Gill specifically for transmitting the release to Florida Weekly and to both Richard and Muffy for their work in publicizing the event for us. And bravo to the artists whose work was selected by the editors to be featured!