Florida’s premier professional-level artist organization that inspires, celebrates, and promotes the excellence of the state’s finest visual artists.
Purpose: The Florida Artists Group (FLAG) was incorporated as a non- profit organization of professional artists in 1949. Made up of artists whose work has attained national or state-wide recognition, the purpose of the group is to stimulate attainment of the highest standards of creative art within the State of Florida.
Membership: Members are selected by the current board of directors through a rigorous jury process. To apply for membership, please visit our application page.
Annual Member Exhibition and Symposium: Since 1949, the Florida Artists Group has held a symposium and exhibition each year in a different Florida city. Education and other cultural aims are advocated at these meetings through art related lectures, panel discussions, films and professional demonstrations. The exhibition is juried for awards by an eminent artist, art educator, art historian, museum curator or director from outside the State of Florida.
In addition to the statewide Exhibition and Symposium, each area may schedule exhibitions and meetings. These meetings serve to bring the members of the together to set both area goals and consider statewide topics relative to the organization. Members must be prepared and able to volunteer for the organization’s activities.
Basic Organizational Structure: The organization is governed by a Board of Directors making statewide decisions with an Executive Board that provides day to day operational needs and sets goals with approval of the Board. Currently there are eight area groups within the state which are allowed to conduct local activities as directed by the Bylaws, Standing Rules, and Code of Ethics. When you become a member of FLAG, you become a member of your local area group. These groups may hold area exhibits and meetings. Look below to find your area and talk to the area chair about the activities in your area.

Area II
Indian River, Martin, Okeechobee, Palm Beach,
and St. Lucie counties
Area III
Charlotte, DeSoto, Hardee, Highlands, Manatee, and Sarasota counties
Area IV
Citrus, Hernando, Hillsborough, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, and Sumter counties
Area V
Brevard, Lake, Osceola, Orange, Seminole,
and Volusia counties