Page 4 - FLAGCatalog.v5
P. 4

 A Message from the Symposium Chair
Ofra Friedman
It has been an exciting opportunity to organize our exhibition and symposium with the team members of Area III, who devoted much time and energy to the collective effort. Hosted by the Ringling College of Art & Design, our exhibition featured 85 artworks in the two Selby galleries. We had 75 attendees at the Awards banquet, and a huge crowd attending the opening reception. The Symposium included a presentation by our juror Tom Nakashima, an Animation lecture by a top Ringling College Faculty member, Billy Merritt, a guided tour of the Ringling
College of Art & Design and a tour of the future Sarasota Museum of Art.
Thank you Cheryl Anne for your hard work, support and attention to detail. Many thanks to Joan Lyon for always being there to assist during the symposium, to Cecily our treasurer, and to Jim for developing the professional website for FLAG and taking it to a new level.
Our thanks to Kevin Dean, the Director of the Selby Gallery, who curated the exhibition, and turned an array of diverse artworks into one harmonious piece of art. Laura Avery, the Selby Gallery Assistant Director, helped us through every step of the way. Tim and the Gallery staff were very helpful. Our unique juror, Tom Nakashima, had such great spirit and enthusiasm. His presentation about his artistic journey and vision was inspiring.
My appreciation to the Board members for their work, and to the exhibiting artists, I admire your creativity.
Thanks again, Area 3 volunteers who made the events a success:
Joan Lyon
Judy Kramer
Juror’s Host:
Susan Von Gries
Welcome Packets:
Sally Sloan
Jamie Friedli
Judy Lyons Schneider Gay Germain
Art Receiving:
John Barends
Ofra Friedman
Peppi Elona
Marge Bennett Judy Kramer Welcome Tables: Sally Sloan
Jamie Friedli
Nancy Turner
Ellen Mason
Banquet Decoration: Nancy Turner
Master of Ceremonies:
Eleanor Merritt
Awards Ribbons
Peppi Elona
Barbara Harrison
Public Relations:
Meg Pierce Susan Von Gries Jean Germaine Records: Joseph Melancon

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